“Doll” Annual 3

I was born what seems like a long time ago in Ōtautahi, in the now mythical suburb of Avondale. I was lucky enough to grow up around a lot of art, books, and drawing materials – and using considerable personal cunning ,I was able to read a lot of comics while dodging my parents’ watchful eyes. I even sometimes made my own.

These days, very little has changed apart for where I live (a small settlement called Mārahau in the top of the South Island) and the astounding fact people will now and then pay me to make my own books and comics.

In almost all ways, I am still that little boy growing up in Ōtautahi, writing and drawing to please himself. And I think that almost all artists and writers are just people who have found a way, through luck and persistence (and perhaps some of that cunning I mentioned), to bring a large piece of their childhood with them into the world of adults.

Matt’s website